
Song of Songs is unavailable, but you can change that!

To many of us, Song of Songs is a puzzling book. Often we’re not sure whether we should read it as romantic poetry or as allegory, and an answer either way raises new questions. Why is a love poem a whole book of the Bible? If it’s allegorical, what are we to make of the imagery used? And if we’re not married or dating, should we be reading this book at all? As a part of Scripture, Song of Songs...

This also speaks to the way in which we address those who are struggling with the temptation to engage in premarital sex or with same-sex attraction. It is not enough for us to say that the Bible says that premarital and homosexual sex is wrong, although it does. The law cannot change our hearts. In fact, by itself, the law can only condemn us, often leaving us feeling guilty and dirty, and sometimes driving us away from God rather than toward him. In contrast, the Song paints a glorious picture
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